I’ve been rather lazy with sunsets this summer. It hasn’t been a case of phoning it in so much as droning it in. It is entirely too convenient to fly one’s drone across the road for a reflection shot off of the Lower Pond. I have been doing that and not making the effort to walk to the Upper Pond in Gray’s Park to get that sunset action.

I figured a brief ambulation would do me some good, so off I went riding shanks’ mare. I may be a bit out of practice with this walking to the body of water where I want my reflection shot thing, because I was literally knee deep in the weeds when I realized that the weeds were in fact Russian Thistle and I was wearing sandals.
A few reflection shots later I found myself sitting on a nearby bench picking thorns out of my feet before I made the trek home. So much for thinking ahead. The good news is that I was using Ray’s 7D he bequeathed to me and it has been too long since I showed it some love. I will have to keep rolling now that it is back in play. I’m grateful to have this camera from Ray, and also for this day.

Images from a Canon EOS 7D with a Canon 17-40mm EF L USM 4-5.6 lens.