My best friend is gone. Ray, the guy I have done photography with, discussed photography with, and lived photography with, passed from cancer early this morning. There is now a huge hole in my life and I don’t know if it can ever be filled.

There is so much to say about Ray, but I am not in a condition to be able to say it at the moment. Later for sure. For now, my thoughts are with his wife and daughter. This photo blog was created for Ray. I promised him I would get out every day and take pictures for him and I’m keeping that promise. This site will continue.
I am going to go out and take some pictures today and I will remember Ray while I’m doing it. I’ll miss you, you cranky bastard. (Obituary link.)

The top image was taken using a Canon EOS R5 with a Pentacon Electric, Red, 50mm f1.8 manual lens in January of 2024. The bottom picture was made using my Canon EOS 300D with its 18-55mm kit lens in my home studio in Edmonton in 2004.