A Bad Day With A Camera

Round Two

The Canon EOS 7D was an amazing APS-C cropped sensor camera released in the fall of 2009. It had 18 MP of resolution and it was a needful thing for a wedding shooter even though I already owned a Canon EOS 5D, 12.8 MP full-frame body at the time. I wound up acquiring one and so did my friend Ray.

Oh deer!, Irrigation Canal on Thomas Drive, Strathmore, AB, 2024-04-10

In addition to taking great photos the 7D was also notable for shooting very high-quality FullHD video. People were willing to pay for that, so I used it to shoot a lot of wedding and dance videos. What I learned the hard way was that the sensor could overheat and cook itself when recording long video segments. I wound up with an expensive camera body that recorded fuzzy looking photos and videos after the sensor self-immolated. This was in 2012 when I had only had the camera for three years.

It was a huge loss for me because I loved that camera to bits when it worked. It was a joy to use and the image quality was top-shelf. Canon’s attitude towards my circumstances almost caused me to walk away from the brand. Their attitude was, “sounds like your problem.” There was to be no warranty coverage.

More catkins, Irrigation Canal on Thomas Drive,
Strathmore, AB, 2024-04-10
Those lilacs again, My Front Yard, Strathmore,
AB, 2024-04-10

I looked into replacing the cooked sensor and the cost of the repair greatly exceeded the worth of the camera. I was so mad I chucked it in the trash. I regretted it after, but it was too late. I couldn’t even keep it for parts or a display unit.

You’d better duck, Irrigation Canal on Thomas Drive, Strathmore, AB, 2024-04-10

Fast forward to May of 2024 and I am now a Canon EOS 7D owner again, making this round two with this particular model of camera. It is the 7D that belonged to my friend Ray who passed on March 4th of this year. He graciously bequeathed it to me in his will, and it means a lot to me because I know how much he prized this camera and the lenses when they were his. He was proud of having good camera gear that his own father would have approved of.

Mountain Ash Tree Buds, My Backyard,
Strathmore, AB, 2024-04-10
Every thorn has its rose, My Backyard,
Strathmore, AB, 2024-04-10
Bursting with life, Irrigation Canal on Thomas Drive, Strathmore, AB, 2024-04-10

It didn’t take me more than a few moments to fall into old, familiar rhythms with the 7D. I quickly re-learned how the autofocus system and point selection worked, and how to work the settings by counting clicks rather than looking at the display. Most of all, I remembered how much I could push the unit in poor lighting to get a usable photo, so I did. It was glorious.

Reflection, Marsh North of Gray Park, Strathmore, AB, 2024-04-10

Being nearly fifteen years old does not stop this camera from producing a damn fine and extremely usable image. It is also a lot of fun to shoot with. As much as I like my Canon EOS R5, mirrorless cameras still aren’t quite as responsive as a dSLR is, and it’s fun to feel that fleetness again.

Walking bridge in Lions Park 01, Strathmore, AB, 2024-04-06

I am extremely grateful to Ray for leaving his “baby” to me along with some very nice glass (more on that soon). I will cherish it and I will create many new and wonderful photographs with it. But no video. I learned my lesson there.

Images obviously created using a Canon EOS 7D and some lenses I will talk about very soon.

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