My last trip to Telford Lake was in August of 2022 with my friend Ray. It turned out to be more of a struggle than anticipated as I believe he was doing chemo and radiation for his cancer. He was tired. A lot.

We were back in Leduc to visit Ray’s widow today, and for me to revisit some of my favourite places to shoot with Ray as it was a chance for me to say my own goodbyes to him. This meant a short walk around Telford Lake at the start of the day in early March. It’s still winter here in Alberta, Canada, and the lake remained frozen despite our recent return to mild weather.

Jennifer and I had a short, but enjoyable walk up and down the boardwalk at one end of the lake. We did encounter something that we found odd. What is this, a squirrel feeder?
We were both starting to get cold and the icy wind had both our noses running, so it was time to had back to the car. Besides, we needed good coffee as the slop served at our hotel was so bad we both dumped our cups without finishing them.

Telford Lake is quite pretty even when frozen and it was nice to be able to revisit it and walk and talk with Jennifer there including some stories about Ray. I’m hoping we can make it back in the summer with our eScooters to visit Ray’s widow, Nancy, and to get more photos.

The images in this diary entry were created using either a Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra mobile phone or a Canon EOS 30D with a Canon 17-40mm EF L USM f4 lens. Each photo’s caption indicates the camera used.