The good news is that I am not dead and I have actually been out taking at least a picture a day as I promised Ray many months ago. The bad news is that I just haven’t had the energy to do anything with them. Like, y’know, posting daily photos to the daily photo blog. Whoops.
I had two weeks of unplanned downtime, which you think would have been perfect for catching up the blog, except that I napped a lot. I mean I napped A LOT. A good friend tells me that was my body trying to recover from the trauma that was my previous job. And, while I wouldn’t say it was “awful” awful as jobs went, it took its toll on me for the last year and change. I have seen it beating the crap out of cherished former co-workers as well. It’s not a good thing when you spend all of every Sunday evening suppressing a lengthy panic attack over working the following morning.
I am glad I moved on and I am glad I took some time to recover from moving on. It’s now Dec 9th as I’m typing this and it’s time to get back on track. Expect to see me catching up over the next few days.
Image courtesy of my Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra phone.