The fog rolled in Thursday afternoon and was fairly thick by the evening. My Alexa devices went off every few hours with some new notification about a fog advisory from Environment Canada. Yeah, it was foggy out, already knew that. Thanks for the useless info. The fog was so thick that I was looking forward to nice rime of frost coating the outdoors the next morning. Nope.

Normally with a fog that thick you have big white spikes of frost sticking off of everything, and the entire world is white outside your window the next day. There was barely any frost on anything. Talk about your basic letdown. I took some pics of the limited frost we got on our apple tree, and only because I wanted to have something to bitch about later.
So there you go.

Image from a Canon EOS R5 with a Canon 70-300mm EF IS USM f4.5-f5.6 lens.