Maintaining a sense of humour is essential to surviving, well, most everything. Especially aging. Which I just did again today as I am now fifty-six years old. Yay, I think.

I sort of give my age nicknames. Last year was Freedom 55, the year before that, Fity-poor, etc. Now I’m Nifty-six. I’m trying to find some humour in a situation that is a bit depressing. I figure I’ve got about twenty years worth of things I still want to do and only ten good years left to do them in. Probably less, if I’m being honest.
No pressure!
Still, it was a pleasant day with my wife and daughter and my cat got in on the action to give me some cuddles. I even took the Helios lens out for a walk again. No great art happened, but it always feels nice to point a camera around. Happy birthday to me.

Today’s kit was my Canon EOS R5 with the now infamous Helios 44m-2 58mm f2.0 lens that has the reversed front lens element for that whirly, swirly bokeh effect. The closer up shots also had a 12mm extension tube added.