A Bad Day With A Camera

Raising the Fallen

We all reach that age where we are concerned that when we bend over we’ll either fall over or snap in half. The whole situation is less than auspicious. There is also the fact that bending over for too long has everything spinning around me.

Almost all of the pretty leaves fell to the ground this past week. I just can’t squat or bend over to photograph them like I used to. At least not without tipping over and winding up fallen amongst the leaves myself. I wound up picking up individual leaves that looked interesting, shaking snow off of a few, and placing them on top of my recycle bin for close-up shots with my phone. Yay, aging.

Berries in the Mountain Gash, My Backyard, Strathmore, AB, 2024-10-23

I also tried to work the berries on the Mountain Ash tree, but the fact is that it is starting to look like hell from close-up. I went with an abstract multi-exposure where I pancaked about ten different shots of berries onto each other. It amused me to realize that berries that are too dinged up to serve fresh can always be made into a jam in the camera as well as the kitchen.

I’ve got another week or two of playing with leaves and dead berries and then we’ll see what happens next.

More cell phone snaps. I was in a rush to get something over my lunch break. Okay? Okay.

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