You couldn’t turn on a TV or look at your phone without getting a snowfall alert on Saturday or Sunday. We were told that we were in for it. Which would make sense, I guess. We got 9 cm of snow on Oct 23, 2023, so another whomp of snow on Oct 21, nearly a year later, was in the ballpark. I love me some good snowfall pics so I had batteries charged and cameras ready.

Well, it certainly wasn’t a whomp of snow, and there wasn’t much accumulation during the day at all. I got a shot of some snow building up on the Mountain Ash in our backyard, but it lacked the drama I was hoping for. Photographers take what they are given, as I keep saying, so what I got is what I got.
Heavier snow came down in the evening, which was a good excuse for a walk. The walk actually turned out to be a chance to catch snowflakes on my tongue, which everyone should do. One car honked at me mid-snowflake and I looked to my left to see a middle-aged lady grinning and giving me thumbs up. Solidarity!
Sometimes you’ve got to put down the camera and get back to being a kid for a bit. It happens less as we age, so chase that snowflake when you can.

Mountain Ash image made with a Canon EOS 7D and a Canon 70-300mm EF IS USM f4.5-f5.6 lens. Craptastic snow image from my phone.