The sky was showing real promise for a dramatic sunset, but it does that a lot and then the light fizzles out when the sun drops behind a band of cloud hugging the horizon. That is what I thought had happened at first this evening after getting some reflection shots of the miraculously still pond. It is not often that the water looks like glass. What little colour there was disappeared so I brought the drone back home.

About two minutes later just as I’m popping the Micro SD card into my laptop my wife says, “oh, would you look at those colours.” I did, and, well, shit. Faked out by a sunset yet again.
I slammed a card and battery back into the drone and powered it and the controller up. I didn’t even wait for GPS lock on as the drone booted as I didn’t want to chance the light fading again. I flew the drone back to the pond without GPS guidance. Five minutes later I had shot a nice bracketed panoramic and brought the aircraft back home with the pieces of the image you see above (some assembly required, as always).
It was a very nice ending to a pleasant day off putzing around the house. Once again, I am grateful for this day.

Pond image captured with my DJI Mini 3 photography drone.