The dead season is approaching. August is the month when we start to get those reminders that everything will be dead again in the near future. I hate this. So. Much.

The Mountain Ash tree should not be turning yet, more toward the end of August. This prolonged heat wave and crippling drought that we experience every damn summer now has accelerated things. Some of the leaves are already a sickly yellow from lack of moisture and the berries are turning orange weeks early.
The flowers I have been enjoying in our yard are starting to come to an end as well. They’ll all be dead in a month. I’m trying to get what pleasure I can from them while I can.

The yard is becoming a strange tableau of life and death. The Mayflower Tree’s berries are still looking good as are the sweet peas. The weeping birch out front is getting to the point where it could be an extra on The Walking Dead. A third of the tree is dead from wasting disease and has no leaves. The remaining two thirds have been crippled by drought.
My seasonal depression isn’t here yet, but it’s coming. I can feel it.

Ray’s beloved Canon EOS 7D he bequeathed to me was pressed into service today with a Mk I Canon 70-300mm EF IS USM f4-5.6 lens hanging off the front.