We’re at least a week away from having actual blossoms on trees, but we’re getting closer. If I pop a macro lens or a standard lens an extension tube on my camera, I can see that the bushes and trees are in the process of unfurling all that flowery goodness.

We have two varieties of lilacs in our yard. The larger trees are finally unfurling their buds (top image). The small and more ornamental lilacs in the flower bed under our front window have been working at the same for over a week, but ever so slowly.
Our three Mayday Trees have been very busy. Those little green balls will be white flowers by the middle of next week. I’m practically drooling at the chance to use my Reversed Helios on them.

My wife calls the above plant a Buttercup Bush as that is what she has known it as. I’m not sure of the real name. I know it as That Dead Thing because it is dead nine months out of twelve. This is probably the one month of the year it won’t look like it belongs in an episode of The Walking Dead.

Speaking of the undead, our Mountain Ash tree in our backyard is finally showing signs of life again. It has been this wizened, awful looking thing since last October. It didn’t even fruit last year because of this lousy drought we’re stuck in. I see that it is producing new berries, so my fingers are crossed.
I was thrilled with todays images. I have gotten to the point where I’m comfortable with my Reversed Helio lens and I’m chuffed to start using it on all of the flowers that will appear over the next week.

Kit used: Canon EOS R5 with a Helios 44m-2 58mm f2.0 lens.