Two trips to the same park in the same day? I must be unusually motivated. That, or it’s where there are still trees with some leaves left. In any case, I scored a twofer at Kinsmen Park today.

Today was cooler outside, I think the temperature topped out at 11C, but it was pleasant enough with a light jacket on. The only sour note from the outing was the number of motorists who drove through the flashing lights on the crosswalk while I waited for them to stop so I could cross. The driver of one of the vehicles that did stop glared at me as I made my way across the street. I guess I upset his schedule or some such. Yeesh.
I had the ultra-cheap, used, Canon EOS 350D out again and was having more fun with it. It’s a rather nice little camera to shoot with and I am happy with the images that fell off the TF card when I got back home (the camera uses CF cards, but I have an adapter for it). Today was a pretty good day.

Images made using a Canon EOS 350D with the Canon 18-55mm EFS IS USM kit lens.