Yes we’re in the middle of one of the worst droughts this province has seen. Yes, we’re also in the middle of Stage 4 water restrictions because of a massive water main break in Calgary, Alberta. Yes, the rain is good news.

Unless you’re the person who recently purchased a new paddleboard and are itching to paddle it around Chestermere Lake or Glenmore Reservoir while using your water safe camera to get photos from out on the lakes. It’s so nice to know that I am the person who temporarily solved Southern Alberta’s water crisis with my latest purchase. [spits]
I made a point of pulling out Ray’s Canon EOS 7D and going hunting for some water droplets after we had dinner. Might as well put the precipitation to good use, right? It’s not like I have anything else to do this evening now. [spits again]

It is still raining buckets right now and it is supposed to keep doing so through the evening. Possibly even into the morning. The weather radar shows a massive storm system squatting directly over the southern half of the province.

Fingers crossed that it clears by tomorrow night. I want to get out on a lake. I want to point a camera at the reeds from out on the water. I want to feel like I am enjoying summer.

Today’s camera was a Canon EOS 7D with a Canon 70-300 EF IS USM f4-5.6 lens left to me by Ray. Here is the gallery of images I have made with it so far.