We hit Chestermere Lake again and this time The Missus was with us (bonus points for rhyming). She managed to overcome several fears, got her paddle board on the water, and did fantastic. I think she also enjoyed it, or at least I hope so. It was great to be out on the lake together as a family (the kid was with us). Once again there are no pictures because I’m not taking a super expensive mobile phone out on the lake. While I found my waterproof camera yesterday I neglected to charge the batteries. Whoops.

We managed to hit the lake around 11:30 am. The idea was to be there by 9:00 am, but getting out the door late was my fault. I had found a killer deal on a box of chicken thighs the day before and I left them out thawing overnight. I realized in the morning I needed to cook them off. Just shoving them in the fridge wasn’t going to work because there was 5 kg worth and they were oozing blood. So I cooked them off.
The lake was a blast to be on. While it was hot out, it didn’t really feel that way because getting a bit of water on your legs as you paddle cools you off. After a while on the lake we noticed the wind was coming up. We headed back for the dock and kayak/board berth before it got too strong. Our timing was pretty good because the wind really did come up within half an hour of us leaving and making it back to the dock against that wind would have really sucked.
We found a Booster Juice franchise on the way home and then spent the rest of the afternoon watching some bad TV and napping. Supper was butter chicken absolutely loaded with chicken. The day ended with a spectacular sunset, which I managed to get a piece of.
Once again, I am thankful for this day.

The sunset image is about 20 separate shots from a Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra merged in Photoshop.