It’s raining, it’s pouring, and the old man is, well, was, snoring. He’s not using his camera much today at the very least. There were some chores, some snacks, and a long nap with the cat that I’m told involved me sawing some logs. A bit of down time is not a bad thing.

Rain soaked flowers aren’t a bad thing, either, and I seem to have a few of them in my yard. It would have been a shame not to point a lens at them.

I am very much enjoying the lilacs, but I don’t expect them to last beyond next Friday. I’ll have to keep at them for as long as I can. Speaking of not lasting much longer…

We have a large weeping birch in our front yard that is probably not much longer for this world. Less of it comes back every spring and nearly half of the tree is dead now. We’re scared to park near it as the wind has removed large pieces. We’re poking at the landlords to do something about it.
Tomorrow is supposed to be cool and windy, but with only a touch of rain. Hopefully there will be more opportunity to use a camera.

Today’s kit: Canon EOS 7D and a Canon 70-300mm EF IS USM f4-5.6 lens.