Lilacs are on the menu today, tomorrow, and for the rest of the week. That’s because it is currently the flower that is predominantly blossoming around town. We photographers take what we are given.

It was an unpleasantly windy evening and the sustained wind throughout the day resulted in a sustained headache that the Tylenol could not make a dent in. I didn’t really feel much enthusiasm for doing any photography, but I had made a promise to Ray that I would, so out I went.
Lilacs are one of those things where you’re looking through a viewfinder at them and going “oooooh!” but when you open them in Camera RAW in large magnification it turns to “ew!” because you didn’t notice all the dead bits in there while capturing the image. I got a few of those for sure on Monday evening.
However, they looked pretty for the most part and they smelled wonderful. I felt better about going out with a camera once I was there holding it in front of some flowers.

Today’s kit: Canon EOS 7D with a 70-300mm EF IS USM lens.