Today was a more laid back day. I wandered out a few times with a camera, but I didn’t have a plan as such beyond trying to earn some more Continuing Education Units (CEUs) towards my insurance license renewal next month (I’m almost there).
A bird appeared in our undead looking Mountain Ash tree in the backyard, so I pointed a lens at it. It was the wrong time of day, the wrong lighting, and the wrong type of bird (sparrows – bleh), but you take what you’re given.
The day started out with more promising skies and light and I was looking forward to the afternoon. The clouds came in after lunch and so did the wind again. So much for my plans of going to Kinsmen Park. I made a few laps of my yard and instead.
Of course I wound up back at the lilacs, which are now starting to sprout leaves. We’re off to Edmonton next week so hopefully there be new and more exciting things to photograph.
There cameras used today. That is all.