A Bad Day With A Camera

A Bad Start

The day certainly got off to a bad start. It had snowed throughout the previous day and it snowed in fits and bursts overnight. Things weren’t much better come the morning. There was profanity as I viewed the grim scene outside my front door.

Such lovely spring weather, My Front Yard, Thornbriar Green, Strathmore, AB, 2024-04-17

I trudged to my basement workstation to log into my job for the day and refused to look out a window until after 5:00 pm, even skipping lunch because I couldn’t see the point. While I hadn’t looked outside since morning, I could feel the howling wind rocking and shaking our home all day long. Why borrow trouble? Things were looking up by 8:00 pm. The wind was still bitter, but tolerable. What snow remained had melted, and colour was returning to the sky. I cautiously poked a toe and a lens out the front door. Neither turned brittle and snapped off, so it seemed safe enough to venture outside for a few moments.

Lingering light, Tom Sadler Bridge, Strathmore, AB, 2024-04-17
Late day precipitation, Thornbriar Green,
Strathmore, AB, 2024-04-17
Getting tucked in for the evening, Irrigation Canal,
Strathmore, AB, 2024-04-17

Of course I wound up back at Tom Sadler Bridge, I always do. It was nothing new and exotic like my road trips on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, but it was still nice to get out of the house and make some images I was happy with. Especially after having given up hope for the day.

This entry’s camera kit was a Canon EOS 40D with my Canon 17-40mm EF L USM f4-5.6 lens hanging off the front.

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