Today’s plan was a road trip to Rockyford, Alberta. I was hoping to find a few interesting things to photograph. Well, there were only a couple of old cars that piqued my interest, but they were surrounded by numerous private property signs. It was clear that it would be a bad idea to work them over with a camera.

I did wander main street Rockyford looking for anything of interest to photograph when I was accosted by a local confirming that the town was not only unpleasant in appearance, but in spirit as well. I excused myself and headed back to Vlad the Impala to head home. I did take some pictures today, but they were all during the trip to or from Rockyford – none of them are from the town itself and I have scratched the town off my list of future trips.

Well, you can’t win them all, and I did still manage to come home with a few pixels in the bucket.

Today’s camera body was my Canon EOS R5 mirrorless. The lenses used were a manual Pentacon Electric 50mm f1.8 Red MC with M42 mount and my Canon RF 16mm f2.8 STM. Each image’s caption indicates the glass used.