A Bad Day With A Camera

Snow Day

The weather forecast had been warning of heavy snowfall all of yesterday and promising rain turning into snow in the evening. I looked out the window every ten minutes last night hoping for some sign the weather had arrived, but no luck.

The playground getting a fresh coat of white, Thornbriar Green, Strathmore, Alberta, 2024-02-04

I peeped out the living room window first thing this morning and the snow had finally rolled in. I was in business. I slammed a cup of coffee and the Missus and I donned our snow gear. However, first things first…

Jennifer shoveling the front walk, Strathmore, Alberta, 2024-02-04

Jennifer had to shovel the walk before we set out. This is something I am no longer allowed to do. My cardiologist is a Nervous Nelly.

Heading north on the walking path in the snow, Tom Sadler Bridge, Strathmore, Alberta, 2024-02-04 (B&W)

The path was covered with a couple of inches of fresh snow as the town snow-clearing crew hadn’t made it out this far yet. The town does an excellent job of keeping the walking path system open and safe for use by folks with mobility issues.

Snowfall, Tom Sadler Bridge, Strathmore, Alberta, 2024-02-04 (B&W)

One does not simply go for a walk in Strathmore with a camera and not photograph Tom Sadler Bridge in some fashion on the way past. I’m certain there is a bylaw on the books about this.

Memorial bench, Thomas Drive walking path, Strathmore, Alberta, 2024-02-04

One of the many memorial benches dotting the walking paths in Strathmore. I made these last two images with a Fujifilm Finepix XP-20 pocket camera gifted to me by Jen’s Uncle Roy. He and his wife moved into care and all of his cameras came to me. I am doing my best to see that they keep getting used.

Uncle Roy’s old Fujifilm Finepix XP-20.

I’m going to be using the XP-20 more in the future, but I wanted to start with a few test shots. I switched back to my Samsung phone again after capturing these two images.

We stopped partway between Tom Sadler Bridge and Brent Blvd for a perfunctory selfie…

Hey hey it’s a snow day, Thomas Drive walking path, Strathmore, Alberta, 2024-02-04

We reached the top of the path by the entrance to Gray Park and had to decide if we had enough wind to keep going. Neither of us have been walking enough lately.

Looking back, Walking path north of Gray Park, Strathmore, Alberta, 2024-02-04 (B&W)

We decided to keep going, but first I wanted to sneak across the highway and get a picture of the irrigation canal in the falling snow.

Looking west of Gray Park, Irrigation canal, Strathmore, Alberta, 2024-02-04 (B&W)

The canal is heading west and it turns north and runs past the golf course from where I’m standing. This is one of those subjects I have a horrible time capturing, but I keep trying.

Looking east on Brentwood Blvd, Strathmore, Alberta, 2024-02-04 (B&W)

We crossed Brentwood Blvd to head east towards Strathmore High School. It’s usually busier at this time on a Sunday, but it looked like everyone decided to stay safe at home this morning.

Entranceway in snowfall, Strathmore High School, Strathmore, Alberta, 2024-02-04
Snowfall panorama, Strathmore High School, Strathmore, Alberta, 2024-02-04 (B&W)

We were both beginning to get tired at this point, so we headed back to Thomas Drive and started making our way home. I grabbed some pictures along the way.

South of the high school, Thomas Drive, Strathmore, Alberta, 2024-02-04
Heading for home, Thomas Drive, Strathmore, Alberta, 2024-02-04

I did take another stab at photographing the local Kingdom Hall, but the building is nearly as ugly as the religion it is home to and it’s a dreadful subject.

JW Kingdom Hall, Thomas Drive, Strathmore, Alberta, 2024-02-04

It was just a few more blocks from the Kingdom Hall to our home. I indulged myself a bit along the way…

Putting my best foot forward, Thomas Drive, Strathmore, Alberta, 2024-02-04

I don’t care how old you are; kicking your way through fresh snow never stops being fun. We finally rounded the corner and made our way back up Thornbriar Green to our house.

Home sweet home, Thornbriar Green, Strathmore, Alberta, 2024-02-04

It has been a warm and dry winter, with very little snow. It’s nice to have a gentle snowfall during milder temperatures and to be able to go for a walk in it. It’s one of life’s pleasures.

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